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What clients are saying . . .

Paula J

"Helped me correct my posture to prevent further issues & decrease chronic pain. I highly recommend her to others!" I have been taking Lisa Rendina's classes for a few years now. Lisa is extremely educated on the human body; she understands deeply how each muscle works and instructs her classes with intention for safety and improved body structure. Throughout each class, Lisa verbally reminds participants how to hold a position in order to avoid injuries. Furthermore, she walks throughout the classroom correcting and guiding each person in the room at her/his level of fitness and need.  Years of exercise and sport without proper instruction has left me, in my 40s, with numerous injuries. Lisa has not only guided me in protecting my injuries but has also helped me correct my posture to prevent further issues and decrease chronic pain. I now work with Lisa One-on-one and the benefits are even more incredible.  I highly recommend her to others!

Meera S

"I have gained considerable core and upper body strength which in turn has helped me combat back pain & improve my posture." I absolutely LOVE working out with Lisa! Just by going to her classes alone, I have gained considerable core and upper body strength which in turn has helped me combat back pain and improve my posture. My legs are stronger and I have so much more stamina to go on hikes/activities that weren't entirely possible before.  Lisa incorporates her immense knowledge of human anatomy into her exercises. Each move/combination targets particular muscle groups and helps you focus on strength training those muscles. And you never have to worry if you are new to her class - Lisa pays such careful attention to each student and corrects their poses/posture to benefit the most from the exercise. Always shows you the right and wrong way to do a move which is SO helpful!  Lisa is not just your regular fitness class instructor but is way MORE - almost like a personal trainer in a group setting!

Tessa D

"She is so in-tune with the body and each muscle group. She works you from the inside out." Lisa is unlike any instructor I have ever taken from. She is so in-tune with the body and each muscle group. She works you from the inside out. She talks you through exercises like no other instructor I have ever had, really having that mind  body connection. After I take her classes I feel as though I have just had a one on one personal training session. I have never felt that from any other instructor.  I now train with Lisa one-on-one and she has created custom workouts for my body that make a huge difference.  I feel the burn in the best places and I love seeing the visual results.  I have 3 kids under age 6 and I am excited to get my pre-baby body back.  Lisa is a rare find and everyone would benefit from working with her.

Elaine H

"Lisa focuses on correct posture, alignment and builds strength from within while still delivering an extremely robust workout.  She has helped me immensely.  During her classes she walks around the room gently correcting anyone who might be having trouble with the exercises.  Her classes accommodate new comers and beginners while still keeping the old timers and advanced dedicated and enthusiastic. After a couple of years of taking her classes I started working with her one-on-one. I had no idea just how much further I could go in my progress. Her one-on-one sessions helped me correct issues that I had been struggling with for over 20 years! I am so excited and grateful!"

Andrea T

"Lisa's classes not only transformed by body but also my mind and spirit. Her understanding of the body coupled with her intense and effective workouts makes for an extremely successful result." I have been a member of many different gyms and done many different types of workouts with many different instructors over the years.  I can honestly say that none of them compare to Lisa Rendina.  Lisa's classes not only transformed by body but also my mind and spirit.  Her understanding of the body coupled with her intense and effective workouts makes for an extremely successful result.  Not to mention how her beautiful, positive and kind energy are also such a motivating factor to not want to quit and keep getting stronger and in better shape.   Lisa's low weights and high reps along with plies and squats in her pi-barre class helped shape and tone my body.  Every class there was something new and different.  Her sculpt and sweat classes with the higher weights and added cardio kicked my butt in such an amazing way.

Ellen J

“I always tell others - Lisa gives the best workout ever, and I don’t feel like I was hit by a truck afterward.” I highly recommend Lisa Rendina! I feel that Lisa is the best instructor with the best classes in the Conejo Valley. Her upbeat, challenging and unique classes keep her classes constantly full. I personally looked forward to going to all of her different classes. I have been a member of many gyms in the area over the last 20 plus years. I have taken and enjoyed kickboxing, spin, boot camps, yoga, step, swimming, Pilates, running, classes with weights, bands, bars etc. I have been at many (and most in the area) large gyms, small, and private. Her class structure is unparalleled.  Here are some of the many reasons why: •Her class is such a variety- an excellent muscle burn with cardio and great flexibility exercises. •Her instruction truly focuses on strengthening the core muscles and beyond. (many classes say they do that but hers actually does.) She uses balance exercises constantly, which truly make a difference.  •Her routine changes with every class.  •She uses a variety of techniques and movements, which isolate certain muscle groups.  •Lisa is the best at encouraging good form. She both shows excellent form and will gently and personally correct a member when/if needed. •Importantly, she gives different levels for those needing to modify, or those wanting a bigger challenge.  •She is ultra focused and confident in giving the class an excellent workout that is difficult, yet safe and fun (and successful at doing so). •Her energy is contagious. I always tell others - Lisa gives the best workout ever, and I don’t feel like I was hit by a truck afterward.”

Alicia D

"I was told I would never be able to run again (by my doctors).  Now, I am a competitive runner and consistently podium most of my races." I have taken Lisa's classes over the last 4 years and during that time I have found her to be extremely supportive, helpful, fun and professional.  Every workout is varied, which works different body parts and she comes to each class very prepared.  Throughout her classes she continuously gives prompts reminding us to put our body in the correct position in order to prevent injuries and get the most out of our workout.  When I first started working with Lisa, I was told I would never be able to run again (by my doctors).  Now, I am a competitive runner and consistently podium most of my races. I also now back pack, mountain bike and have conquered multiple climbs of over 14000 feet. I owe most if this success to Lisa. I have not come across an Instructor that is so knowledgeable, professional, varied and fun as Lisa.

Roslyn T

" I have come to her classes with aches & pains - after I feel I've been in a Physical Therapy session and come out renewed. " I have been attending boot camps, spin classes for the past 3 years. However, the tightness in my body and the lack of core strength was always there. Lisa's classes have been focused on form - which I feel is extremely critical while doing any exercise. As I grow older, my body benefits tremendously from using the correct form of exercise more than the number of reps done incorrectly. She also highly focuses on breathing correctly during the exercise. That definitely allows the body to go deeper into the position and benefit hugely.  There definitely have been days where I have come to her classes with aches and pains and after Lisa's classes, the stretching and the symphonic movements - I feel I've been in a Physical Therapy session and come out renewed.  The bonus points to Lisa's classes are that they also burn calories immensely without even knowing! :)  I've received numerous compliments on my improved fitness and I personally can account for the same.  I would definitely recommend Lisa for her classes and informativeness on how the body works and helps stretch, strengthen and recover.  She's by far one of the best instructors I've worked with and would give her a 5 star rating any day!

Heidi N

"Her knowledge of how body and fitness come together is extraordinary. Her attention to proper posture is impeccable." I've never been much of a gym person, but Lisa's classes had me coming back again and again.  Her Pibarre class was the perfect combination of barre and Pilates specifically focusing on strength and balance. The non-impact aspect made it the perfect class for any fitness level. Not only was I impressed with her ability to make all different fitness levels feel comfortable while motivating and pushing everyone to their next level, but her knowledge of how body and fitness come together is extraordinary.  Her attention to proper posture is impeccable.  She demonstrates and kindly correct so that you understood what muscles should be working at that moment. Coming to her classes helped me reach beyond my fitness goals. I can honestly say she is the best instructor I have ever had.

Shari K

"To the lucky people that get to work with Lisa Rendina, know that you are getting the best of the best!." I have attended all sorts of exercise classes over the last 40 years!  I have taken Jazzercise, Kick Boxing, Taebo, mat and reformer Pilates, Yoga, and Zumba.  A few years ago I was looking for classes that gave me a good cardio workout (per doctor recommendation) without hurting my joints. I found Lisa’s classes and was blown away!  I found her so helpful that I started working with her as my personal trainer. Lisa continues to provide exactly what my body needs. Classes are always full because she is so dedicated to making them the best possible.  The workouts use every muscle group. Lisa’s instructions are clear and she demonstrates the exercise, giving more and less strenuous options, or alternative moves for those with injury or limitations. She really cares about her clients and students getting what they need and checks positions during the exercise, correcting to avoid injury or to maximize the effectiveness of the exercise.   Lisa Rendina is far and away the best teacher I have had for one-on-one sessions as well as exercise classes. I am not alone in that feeling as her classes are always packed!  Through her classes and training, my strength, endurance, and posture have all improved.

Susie I

"She has created a method of teaching that makes your body feel healthy, limber and lean." Lisa Rendina has taught my gym classes for the last couple of years. She is truly a gifted teacher. She has created a method of teaching that makes your body feel healthy, limber and lean. The class is always comfortable, but still very beneficial. She is adept at pushing people to work hard, but also good at providing modifications for those who need them. She is kind and has a peaceful energy.

Diane L

"Her class teaches how to rehabilitate and strengthen the body so it performs and moves as it was optimally designed. " Over the years, I've taken quite a few barre classes with many different instructors.  Lisa is by far the best barre instructor that I've ever had, and her Pilates/Barre class format is the best barre class I have ever taken.  What sets Lisa and her Pilates/Barre class apart from all the others is her deep knowledge of exercise, body mechanics, and her ability to articulate to her students proper alignment and form while performing exercises in her class to work out the intended muscles and prevent injuries.  I had injured my back a few years ago and have bad posture.  By taking her class, I was able to strengthen my core and other supporting muscles and haven't had back issues since.  Her class has also helped to improve my posture.   I have carried what learned from Lisa in her Pilates/Barre class into my every day life.  I have become conscience of my posture and proper body alignment.  I've taken what I learned from Lisa into other group fitness classes, where those instructors may tell you to do an exercise, but not how to do with proper form and alignment to prevent injuries.  Lisa doesn't just teach; she provides exercise knowledge to her students.  Lisa's PiBarre class is more than a barre class; I feel like her class teaches how to rehabilitate and strengthen the body so it performs and moves as it was optimally designed.   Because of Lisa's expertise, she has a strong, loyal following of students.  Her classes are always packed.  I consider her classes to be an essential part of my physical fitness and well-being.

Chenoa F

"She is a great motivator, an innovative thinker, and a valuable asset to fitness community." When I began to train under Lisa, I knew right away I was working with a professional and a leader. Each session/class under Lisa’s guidance is appropriately challenging, creative, and efficient. Her knowledge of the body, and experience with injuries as a professional and individual instills a high level of confidence and trust in her clients and peers alike. While accomplishing all of this, Lisa is one of the warmest most like-able people I have ever met. She is a great motivator, an innovative thinker, and a valuable asset to fitness community.

Berna B

"You also become aware of what you are doing, how you are using your muscles, and your breathing." Working with Lisa for the past two years has incredibly improved not only my body strength but also my technique while working out. Lisa gives attention to everyone in group classes and corrects their moves. Personally, I learned that I was doing some of the moves incorrectly. Lisa corrected them for me. Her classes are a very good combination of cardio and muscle strength. Her workouts are intense yet enjoyable. Her classes are generally the most popular. She is nice, kind and always ready to help. You learn and observe the changes in your body. You also become aware of what you are doing, how you are using your muscles, and your breathing.

Vicki R

"It’s the best core workout better than any Pilates Mat class. As a personal trainer myself, Lisa's class was my favorite because I knew I was in a class with a teacher who truly cares and it shows in her style and lesson planning. I would hear from many a member how her class was their favorite and they were addicted. This is why her classes were always full and we had many members that stayed specifically for her classes. Lisa’s classes attract people of all ages."

Gabby W

"Nothing ever hurt as she also focuses on injury prevention. My body has never felt better. She is a master in every way. " As a personal trainer myself, Lisa's class was my favorite because I knew I was in a class with a teacher who truly cares and it shows in her style and lesson planning. I would hear from many a member how her class was their favorite and they were addicted. This is why her classes were always full and we had many members that stayed specifically for her classes. Lisa’s classes attract people of all ages. It’s the best core workout better than any Pilates Mat class. •Vicki R. Lisa Rendina teaches Barre in a way that I have never experienced at any other health club, and I have tried them all. Her focus on form and alignment is top notch. It’s very challenging (you will sweat and shake) yet very fun. And her instruction is perfectly cued. She mixes things up and the class is never boring or routine.  It is one class that I always looked forward to and felt fantastic walking out of.  I personally got noticeable results doing her class routinely and I felt stronger, longer and leaner than I ever have before. And nothing ever hurt as she also focuses on injury prevention. My body has never felt better. She is a master in every way.

Jana H

"I learned so much from her already. She is hands down, the best instructor I’ve ever had. " I’ve taken group classes for years but never loved any the way I loved Lisa’s classes. She brings the smart and the fun to each class- carefully making sure we all knew WHY we were doing certain moves (to prevent injury of a specific body part or make our butt look cuter in a bikini). She always brings the best positive energy to each class and often got me out of a bad mood without even knowing it. I learned so much from her already. She is hands down, the best instructor I’ve ever had.

Tiffany P

"Her attention to detail in every exercise and queuing each movement to maximize the burn is why I will follow her anywhere. Friends keep asking me what I’m doing and the only Change has been taking class with Lisa consistently. I feel so lucky to have found Lisa!!!

Angie K

"I have taken her amazing classes year after year and I really think it helped me to get leaner, stronger and have more balance!  I have enjoyed her classes very much!  She is a great instructor!"

Emily M

"Lisa makes the exercises and sequences doable for every level." Awesome classes!  Lisa’s classes are of the few I make a point to take!  Lisa makes it easy to follow all of the exercises by showing and explaining exactly what to do and what we should be feeling.  Great work out for all muscle groups.

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  • Fun & Challenging Workouts For All Levels And Abilities!

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